
Create a Bedtime that is Connect with Kids Time!

Bedtime is one of those prime parenting times when we can connect with kids and make a big impact in their lives…but it can be so hard when we are tired and just want some quiet time! I try (and I do mean try…it is not unusual for me to put my boys to bed […] Read more…

Family Traditions: Easter

Ever get the feeling that the holidays pass you by so quickly that it’s just a blur of chocolate and chaos? I know I do.  I have tried to create a Christ centered Easter tradition in my home.  We don’t do the Easter bunny.  We don’t do Easter baskets.  My kids fill their own Easter […] Read more…

Art Month: Harrison and Playing with Colors

I don’t always have the easiest time being the “fun mom.”  Even though that was my dream before I had kids, I find that I’m the more serious type!  But when I get the art supplies out…it helps me earn my “fun mom” badge! Here are a couple of easy art projects that will make […] Read more…

Art Month: Seurat with Pencil Erasers and Q-tips

This post contains affiliate links.  You need stuff…it doesn’t cost you any more to buy through these link and it helps me out.  Thanks! My kids love it when I tell them we are doing an art project!  What is it about kids and paint?  I don’t know but it makes them giddy! These projects […] Read more…

Be Awesome…and Let Your Kids Know It!

Do your kids think you are “just a mom?”  That you are around to answer their every need?  Maybe it’s time they got to know you as a person! We all have a story to tell…Bucket of Awesome helps us each tell our own story.  There are some amazing prompts to help you ponder your […] Read more…

Art Month: Kandinsky with Circles and Trees

I really want my kids to appreciate good art.  The mess they make when doing art projects doesn’t always make me jump with joy…but sometimes a mom has to do what a mom has to do! I like Kandinsky’s art…it’s fun to look at..and fun to say!  These projects were easy for me to put […] Read more…

Cut Your Grocery Bill With a Price Book!

Have you ever heard of a price book?  I hate using coupons…I’ve tried it in the past.  It was just too crazy to try to keep track of coupons and kids at the same time…the kids always won! Maybe using coupons would be easier now that I do most of my shopping without multiple kiddos […] Read more…

Better Communication with Kids…With Notebooks

Communication with kids….Moms everywhere want to be able to talk with their kids…and they want their kids to talk to them.  I know that every child is different…but I have found that sometimes as kids get older…they may not want to talk a lot with their parents as much. So how can you improve communication […] Read more…

More Than 25 Brain Break Activities

Kids have short attention spans!  If you are a mom…you know this is generally true!  Sometimes our kids need a brain break…whether they are doing homework, working on chores, or playing video games!  (Sometimes I need a break right along with them!) Breaks get our kid’s  bodies moving in different ways…which they desperately need in […] Read more…

Teenage to School Age is the Best Age

I’ve realized recently that I’m growing up…or maybe it’s my kids that are doing that!  I’ve entered a new phase of life.  I am done with the pregnancy, breastfeeding, sleepless nights with little ones stage.  I no longer have toddlers and all my children are potty trained.  I don’t even have preschoolers!  For several years […] Read more…

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