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I don’t always have the easiest time being the “fun mom.”  Even though that was my dream before I had kids, I find that I’m the more serious type!  But when I get the art supplies out…it helps me earn my “fun mom” badge!

Here are a couple of easy art projects that will make your kids think you are the best mom ever!  They are easy to prep and the links to the free printables are all below!

art with kids, artist Harrison

What you will need:

Project 1:

We started with this free color wheel.  We filled in the colors and talked about primary colors and secondary colors.

Using this free slide show…I introduced the artist, Ted Harrison.  I didn’t use the whole thing but it was helpful to teach a little bit about the artist and show some of his work.

Ted Harrison has illustrated some books…I could only find one in my library system…maybe you will have access to more.

Last, we did the project found in this free packet.  It was a good project that helped us learn about warm and cool colors.

Ted-Harrison, art Harrison, art with kids

Project 2:

I took the warm and cool color idea from here and we created our own.  It was harder for my boys (ages 9 and 7) than I thought it would be…my 11 year old did fine.  This project gave us the opportunity to review warm and cool colors…which believe it or not I am still trying to keep straight in my head!  We did this project with regular white construction paper…you could also do it with oil pastel paper.

art Harrison

I love doing art projects based on learning about different artists!  I also have art projects based on Kandinsky and Seurat…check them out!

Make it Happen







