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Create a Personal Mission Statement to help you focus on your priorities so you can use your time as a busy woman the way that will bless your life the most.

Read on to find out:

  • Why I Created a Personal Mission Statement
  • Why You Should Have a Mission Statement
  • How I Use My Mission Statement
  • How to Fill Out Your Own Personal Mission Statement
  • Link to Download Your Mission Statement PDF Printable Template

Sign up for my “Use It” Letter! 

I love being a mom (although it isn’t always easy!).  “Mom” was a title that didn’t initially come quickly to me.  When having babies finally did happen…it happened fast..6 kids in 10 1/2 years!  It was an intense time of baby-growing, sleepless nights, changing diapers, baby snuggles, toddler cuteness (and tantrums)…basically I was hyper-focused on my growing family.

Mothering is the best job ever…but we all know it is easy to forget to prioritize ourselves when we are in the trenches of mothering young children…and living with teenagers isn’t a walk in the park either!

There is a lot to juggle …taking care of the house, keeping the family fed, and being wise with the family finances!  I am learning (sometimes the hard way) that I have to prioritize myself too!

Now, I am at a time in my life when I feel like I need to rediscover who I am!  It’s exciting and full of possibilities…and a little scary!  And…I’m ready to do it with my husband and children by my side!

Sometimes I have to remind myself that it isn’t selfish to take care of myself.  And I’ve realized I feel much more energized when my activities fall in line with my priorities…which I can remind myself of daily with my mom mission statement.

Sign up for my “Use It” Letter and get your copies of the mom mission statement printables here!

Why Should Moms Write a Mission Statement?

  • Businesses have them…why not moms?  You have the most important “business” right in your own home…raising the future generation!
  • Mission statements help you to be proactive and focus on what is most important to you.  They help you live with intention and focus…even amid the busyness of raising a family!
  • A mission statement helps you evaluate opportunities that come up…if you have a mission statement you can immediately see your priorities and decide if you should say yes or no…or not right now!

mom mission statement, personal development, homemaker, motherhood priorities

How I Use My Personal Mission Statement.

I have been reading mine every morning…it has become part of my morning routine.  Here’s the kicker though…read your mission statement out loud!  I know, I know…it feels kind of awkward at first. 

I think it’s really important to vocalize our priorities and dreams out loud.  It makes them really become a part of us when we not only see them but hear them as well.  Another option would be to record yourself reading it…then you can listen to yourself while you are exercising, washing the dishes, folding the laundry, etc!

How Do I Fill Out My Mission Statement?

Think about the roles/areas that you have in your life.  My categories include Daughter of God, Wife, Mom, Homemaker, Self Development, Family Finance, and Community Member.

Think of one or two sentences that describe what your want your life to look like in this area.  Remember….you can always change and adjust your Mom Mission Statement.  It’s not set in stone.  I always review mine yearly and often make a few changes at other times during the year.

Try writing your statements as if you have already achieved them:

  • I am a loving wife and mother
  • I save 10% of my income for family vacations
  • I serve for 10 hours a month in my community

Make It Happen!






















5 comments on “How to Create Your Life-Changing Personal Mission Statement!”

  1. This is such a wonderful idea! I also think it helps highlight the many facets to the life of a mom – we do more than we realise! Thank you for sharing with us at Hearth and Soul. Sharing this post. Hope to ‘see’ you again this week!

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